Hertford Castle Bowls Club

Hertford Castle Bowls Club - Pot Lunches

Pot lunch information
'Pot Lunch' dates for 2023-24

Audrey Crowther

Sunday 22nd October
Sunday 17th December
Sunday 21st January
Sunday 11th February
Sunday 17th March

Bring your 'Haute Cuisine' to the Clubhouse at 12.00 noon, sit down is at 12.30pm.
It's your choice to bring one of the following: a starter, a main meal, a dessert or a treat to enjoy with coffee.
Let Audrey know if you will be joining us and what you will be bringing.

The bar will be open so you can enjoy a drink with your meal. Why cook on a Sunday when you can enjoy good food 'cooked to perfection' by your bowling friends!!