Hertford Castle Bowls Club

Match Report

Match Report - 14 Jul 2018, Hertford Castle Bowls Club Weekend Friendly lost to Potters Bar

M Edgar, D Cheshire, I LeGallais Lost to M Brennan, M Wood, R Hampshire 14-20; P Scholey, J Arber, E Saint lost to B Hampshire, P Openshaw, P Thompson 10-23; T Deane, C Kent, V Arber lost to C Malone, D Lawence, V Fowley 9-19; A Brandford, P Beeson, G. Gifkins beat R Golden, M Openshaw, L Chesson 15-10;
A Beeson, G Cazaly, C Phillips beat A Wood, S Thurloe, D Riley 14-9.

Hertford Castle Bowls Club Weekend Friendly 062 - 81 Potters Bar

Name Details
1 Alan Beeson
2 Gill Cazaly
3 Clive Phillips
4 Allen Brandford
5 Pat Beeson
6 Geoff. Gifkins.
7 Mary Edgar
8 David Cheshire
9 Ivan Le Gallais
10 Pauline Scholey
11 John Arber
12 Eric Saint
13 Tony Deane
14 Chris Kent
15 Viv Arber
16 Geoff Butt
17 Wendy Butt
18 John Streeton
19 Mick Milne