Hertford Castle Bowls Club

Hertford Castle Bowls Club News story

John Scholey

05 May 2013

10th May
Dear members,

I am forwarding a message from Pauline with respects to John's funeral. It is all self explanatory.

A further message requests that people should not wear all black, you may wear blazers and greys if you wish. His daughters, Cheryl and Denise, have requested flowers.

Kind regards,


Wendy Butt, Club Secretary, Hertford Castle Bowls Club


Hello Wendy

We have eventually got all the necessary paperwork to arrange John’s funeral. We were delayed because of the B/H weekend and the hospital thought they might want a coroner’s report, and John had to have a larger coffin ordered!

The service will be at Harwood Park Crematorium, Knebworth, Stevenage at 10.15am on Thursday 16th May, and afterwards at White Horse Hotel, Hertingfordbury.

Please let everyone know they are welcome at the service and at the White Horse afterwards.

We have had so many phone calls and lovely cards saying wonderful things about John and offering help that I am overwhelmed and cannot thank everybody enough.

If it is a nice day on Sunday I may come down the club and could help the tea people if that is O.K.

Best wishes,


It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of John Scholey. He died yesterday (Saturday) afternoon after suffering a major stroke on Monday, Pauline and their two daughters, Cheryl and Denise were all by his side.
They all thank you for your support during this difficult time.
I will keep you up to date with any further information as it arrives.
The bowls timetable will continue as normal, including the Friendly at Cheshunt this afternoon, as I am sure that this is what John would have wanted
Our thoughts are with Pauline and her family,

Wendy Butt 
Club Secretary